Written by A. Washington-Beeby
Story Consultants: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco
In the Horton kitchen, Jennifer sits at the dining table with Liam while he eats breakfast. Instead of eating, Jenn plays with her food, exhausted. After their awkward moment before, Liam is slightly nervous about speaking again, but eventually decides to break the awkward silence at the table.
LIAM: Everything…okay? You barely touched your eggs.
Jenn lays down her fork, looking up at Liam, a bit of a frown on her face.
JENNIFER: I’m fine. I just…I didn’t sleep much last night, that’s all.
LIAM: You sure you’re okay, Jenn? I can always get you some coffee—
JENNIFER: No…no, I’m promise, I’m good. I guess I’m just worried about Abby, as well.
LIAM: Yeah. She seemed disappointed about Jerome not taking her to the party tonight.
Jennifer shrugs, sighing as she shakes her head, finally pushing her plate away.
JENNIFER: Yeah, she did. And…I guess I’m…I’m still trying to figure things out, too.
Liam looks up from his plate, inquisitively.
LIAM: Oh? Like what?
JENNIFER: Like how you knew about how I felt when my talk show ended. I mean, considering we didn’t know each other then.
Liam eyes widen at Jenn, deeply uncomfortable about the subject being broached. He shifts in his seat.
In the foyer outside the kitchen, Abby walks over to the front door of the house, and opens it to find Chad standing in the doorway. Abby’s sombre face lights up at the sight of Chad, but is tempered by the uncertain note they had left things when he left for Boston.
ABBY: Chad!
Chad leans against the frame of the front door, smiling widely to see Abigail in front of him. He tries to look cool and collected, but is evidently a bundle of nerves, as he goes to speak to his ex-.
CHAD: Abby! It’s…so good to see you.
ABBY: Yeah, you too. Um…wh-(sigh) when did you get back?
CHAD: Oh I just…just got in this morning.
Abby smiles, realizing Chad made a point to see her first thing. She’s so bedazzled by his appearance; she stares at him as though in a trance. After a moment, she snaps out of it and steps back from the doorway.
ABBY: Ah…come in!
CHAD: Thanks.
Chad obliges Abby’s request, and as he steps in, Abby closes the door behind him.
ABBY: Did you, umm…did you want anything? Mom and Liam are in the kitchen having breakfast, did you eat? Did you want a coffee?
Chad chuckles for a second at Abby’s awkward burst of hospitality.
CHAD: Heh, nah, I’m…I’m okay. I just…Actually, I came to ask you something, if you…if I could.
Abby looks puzzled, as she folds her arms in front of her, slightly uncomfortable.
ABBY: Um…yeah. Anything. What is it?
CHAD: Well, the…the Penthouse Grille party is tonight, and…I was wondering if I could maybe take you as my date…if you don’t have any other plans?
Abby tries to hide her excitement, and stumbles over how to respond.
At the Kiriakis house, Maggie stands in the foyer, about to head for the hospital. Adrienne approaches from the kitchen, ready to come with her.
ADRIENNE: Alright, Maggie. I’m ready to go pick Victor up. Shall we?
Maggie checks her bag for the keys, and pauses a moment, before pulling her cell phone from her bag.
MAGGIE: Almost, I just have to make sure the nurse I hired to care for Victor is gonna meet us at the hospital.
ADRIENNE: Oh, you hired a nurse for him?
MAGGIE: I did. It was Daniel’s suggestion. He says the first few months after a major heart attack can be hard on someone Victor’s age. I just don’t wanna take any chances.
Adrienne smiles warmly, nodding that she understands what Maggie’s saying.
ADRIENNE: It’s a good idea. I’ll leave you to it. I’m gonna head out to the car, okay?
MAGGIE: Alright. I’ll be there in a moment.
As Adrienne heads out the front door, Maggie places the call.
A young woman picks up in the lobby of an apartment building, as she presses the “Up” button on an elevator.
OLIVIA: (into phone) Hello?
Maggie smiles, pleased Olivia’s responded.
MAGGIE: (into phone) Hi! Is this Nurse Olivia Philips? It’s Maggie Kiriakis!
Olivia smiles, her voice brightening when she realizes who’s called.
MAGGIE: (into phone) Oh the feeling’s mutual. Listen, I’m headed for University Hospital now. Will you still be able to meet Mr. Kiriakis and I there for 2PM? I can bring you back to the house from there.
OLIVIA: (into phone) Oh that sounds great, Mrs. Kiriakis! I was just going to pop in to say hello to my friend Crystal first. She just moved to town and she’s not far from the hospital, so I’ll be there right at 2, no problem.
Maggie beams, hearing the good news.
MAGGIE: (into phone) Fantastic! It’s good to hear you have a friend in town. I was worried you’d be alone here. I know how hard it is starting a new life and having to make all new friends in a strange place.
OLIVIA: (into phone) Oh for sure. I’m grateful that’s not something I have to worry about.
As Olivia finishes her sentence, the elevator reaches the ground floor, and the bell dings, announcing its arrival.
OLIVIA: (into phone) Listen…Mrs. Kiriakis, I’m just getting on an elevator now, so I’ll have to go. I hate to cut the call short.
MAGGIE: (via phone) Oh, no! It’s no trouble at all. Don’t worry about.
OLIVIA: (into phone) I’ll see you at 2?
MAGGIE: (via phone) Sure thing. Bye bye.
OLIVIA: (into phone) Bye.
As Olivia hangs up, the doors open, revealing Jerome Grant. He smiles at Olivia, who smiles back, slightly awkwardly. Jerome nods a greeting to her, and holds the door of the elevator open for her. Olivia stops for a moment, before realizing what Jerome’s gesture is. She giggles as she steps on.
OLIVIA: Thanks.
JEROME: Anytime, Miss.
Jerome lets go of the elevator door, allowing it to shut, as Olivia presses the button to go up to Crystal’s apartment. Jerome walks out of the building toward the exit at the same time.
Inside Nick’s office at Titan, Gabi approaches Nick, who is standing behind his desk, while Sami and Kate look on, flanking Gabi’s sides. Gabi approaches Nick carefully, and looks to be reaching out to him as she pleads with him to believe her.
GABI: Nick, I swear to you, I did not go into your drawer. I didn’t even know those pictures were in there, I promise you.
Nick stares at Gabi, not saying a word to her, and making Gabi increasingly uncomfortable.
After a tense moment, Gabi begins sound panicked, as Nick snaps, cutting her off and scaring Gabi into stepping back slightly.
GABI: Nick, I’m serious! I didn’t do it!
After a moment, Nick continues, still clearly agitated but trying in vain to hide the fact.
NICK: I saw you, Gabi. You didn’t see me, but I walked into my bedroom last night after the show, and you thought I was going to be out later because the show ended early. So, evidently, you weren’t watching when someone tried to drop a stage light on my head!
GABI: I know, I’m sorry, I was just –
NICK: …So then I open my door, and I see you, my loving partner, devoted to the point where we were even married at one point! (laughs)
Gabi shifts uncomfortably, as Nick looks on, unflinchingly.
NICK: And there she is, flipping through pictures in my dresser drawer, and then stealing them! Putting them in her bag.
GABI: I…I didn’t—
Nick cuts Gabi off again, slamming his hand down on his desk as he screams out at her, almost like an aggressive dog.
After his outburst, Nick’s head begins to pound, and old familiar high-pitched squeal begins to play in his head, causing Nick to wince, and blink pronouncedly. Gabi, so caught up in her fear, barely notices as she begs him, speaking a hundred miles an hour.
GABI: I’m not lying, I promise, Nick. Nick, I love you I would never do anything to jeopardize that, please, you have to believe me, I just—
As Nick holds his head, as Gabi carries on, increasingly panicked and high-pitched, so does the echo, and the shrill high-pitched noise indicating his mind-numbing headache, until Nick snaps again, finally silencing Gabi, and reigning in the pain in his head.
NICK: Shut up! Shut up! SHUT. UP!
Gabi finally steps back, as Sami and Kate pull her towards them, they look on, a sense of real concern and fear in all three women’s eyes, as they look at a red-faced Nick, who breathes heavily, and is beginning to visibly sweat.
SAMI: Nick, are you okay?
NICK: I’m fine. I’m…I’m I’m good.
Nick reaches into his coat pocket, and pulls out his pill bottle, talking while he pops one, washing it down with his morning coffee.
NICK: …But you won’t be. Not one of you. Not unless you follow my orders.
KATE: Orders?
NICK: Yes, Kate. My orders. I have a plan for tonight. And if you want to stay out of prison for trying to kill me, you’re all going to follow it, to the letter. Got it?
Kate, Sami and Gabi all look at each other, gravely concerned for each other, and, in some small way, for Nick.
In the Horton kitchen, Liam sits across the kitchen table from a confused Jennifer. Flustered, he stammers out a response to Jennifer’s question.
LIAM: I…I dunno, you must’ve told me something about the talk show ending before.
JENNIFER: Yeah, but…I mean, Liam, I don’t tend to go around talking about my feelings like that, I just…
LIAM: Well, Jenn, we’ve had a lot of really…intimate conversations, you and I. I mean, we’ve talked about Jack’s death, we’ve talked about the situation with Lawrence, we’ve…you know? We’ve…we’ve talked about a lot of things, babe. You can’t remember every conversation verbatim.
JENNIFER: I guess…I’m just…kinda surprised you knew about it.
Liam gets up from the dining table, smiling as he winks at Jennifer.
LIAM: Yeah, well, you DO know I have a really good memory too.
JENNIFER: Oh I know that! (laughs)
Liam extends a hand to Jenn, helping her up from her seat. She’s still visibly tired, and Liam pulls her in close to him in a warm, romantic embrace.
LIAM: Look, you’re beat. I can tell. Why don’t you go lie down for a bit, and I’ll call the hospital and tell them you’re not coming today. ‘Kay?
Jenn nods in approval, as Laura enters the kitchen from the back door of the kitchen, in exercise gear. She appears to have worked up a sweat, as she breathily announces her arrival.
LAURA: Well! Good morning, you two!
Jenn and Liam turn sharply, while still holding each other. Jenn smiles weakly.
JENNIFER: Mom! How was your run?
LAURA: Oh, fine, sweetheart! You…you okay? You seem a bit tired.
LIAM: Yeah, she’s…she’s not feeling too well, I was just gonna walk her up to bed.
Laura looks on, concerned. She pulls Jennifer out of her embrace with Liam, and checks Jenn’s forehead, looking suspiciously at Liam, then turning her attentions back to Jenn.
LAURA: Oh, your temperature is okay, but…Um…Liam, I’ll walk Jennifer up, you head to the hospital.
LIAM: You sure?
LAURA: Certainly. I know you’ve got to get to work. I can handle Jennifer.
LIAM: Well, if you do just…can you give me a call to let me know she’—
LAURA: Of course, don’t worry. Come on, sweetheart, let’s go.
Liam stands back, taking a moment to survey the situation, not trusting Laura’s reaction to the situation. He grabs his jacket from the back of his chair at the dining table, as Laura scurries Jennifer out of the room.
Out in the foyer, Abby’s look of shock turns to a wide grin, as Chad looks back at her with a warm smile of his own.
CHAD: So? Are you down to go to the gala tonight with me?
ABBY: You know what? Sure! Sure, I would be happy to!
Chad’s smile grows wider, and his posture immediately relaxes, as though he’s finally released months of tension in an instant. Just as he does, and they both start to laugh, Laura and Jennifer emerge from the kitchen, arm in arm, with Laura’s arm around Jenn’s shoulders, with Liam, heading out for work, not far behind them. Jenn, in particular, is excited to see Chad.
JENNIFER: Chad! You’re back!
Chad turns, pleasantly surprised to see Jenn.
CHAD: Mrs. Deveraux! It’s good to see you!
JENNIFER: Good to see you! Umm…
Jenn separates from her mother, motioning to her to shake hands with Chad, which she does.
JENNIFER: Mom, meet Chad DiMera.
Laura, unsure about the DiMeras, reluctantly shakes Chad’s hand.
LAURA: DiMera! Well, Abby has told me a lot about you. I’m…you’re….
CHAD: Stefano’s son, but…thankfully not raised by him.
Laura appears eased by Chad’s crack at Stefano’s expense, cracking a smile while tightening her grip on his hand, though, thanks to experience, still wary.
LAURA: Heh. Indeed. What brings you by?
JENNIFER: Well, Chad’s been recuperating in Boston. He was…shot a few months ago, and…
CHAD: And I am a lot better. The time in Boston was well-spent.
Jennifer smiles, earnestly pleased for him.
JENNIFER: That’s good to hear, Chad, I’m so happy. So, I guess you just wanted to say ‘hello’ to Abby and let her know he was okay.
Abby interjects, wanting to share the news with her family.
ABBY: Well, he also invited me out to the Penthouse Grille gala tonight. Aaaand I said ‘yes’.
Jennifer and Laura smile brightly as Abby’s news (Laura, maybe with slightly less enthusiasm), before Jennifer notices Liam in the room, and reaches over to him to encourage Liam to approach Chad.
JENNIFER: That’s so great! Oh, look, I have someone else for you to meet, Chad. Umm…Liam Frasier…this is Chad DiMera!
Liam extends his hand to shake Chad’s. Chad looks at Liam curiously as he shakes the man’s hand.
CHAD: Pleased to meet you…though I…you look really familiar. I swear we’ve met before?
Liam shakes Chad’s hand, but looks around uncomfortably, diverting his eyes from Chad. Laura, in particular, is intrigued by Chad’s recognition.



At University Hospital, Daniel stands with Marlena and Kim by the Nurse’s station. Kim is excited by Daniel’s news that there may be some improvement in Theresa’s condition.
KIM: There’s improvement?
DANIEL: (sigh) Look, I don’t wanna get your hopes up, Kim. I’m not entirely sure whether there is a change, but…I think I have a way to find out.
KIM: Daniel, what do you mean? I mean, is she starting to come out of her coma?
Daniel shakes his head. He looks down, afraid to disappoint Kim in her rare moment of optimism.
DANIEL: No, I umm…I don’t think so yet. But she may have increased brain activity, so what I wanna do is run an MRI to be sure.
MARLENA: And if the MRI shows an improvement…
DANIEL: That would be a sign that she may soon come out of the coma.
Kim tries to subdue her enthusiasm, knowing it’s only a small step toward Theresa’s recovery.
KIM: Well, it’s something at least.
DANIEL: Exactly. Look, I have to go see a patient.
KIM: Of course. Of course. Thank you!
DANIEL: No problem, Kim.
Kim smiles, as Daniel puts a reassuring hand on Kim’s back, before stepping away. Before Daniel can get very far, Maxine calls out to him from the nurse’s station, drawing him back.
MAXINE: Ahhh, Dr. Jonas? Have you heard from Nurse Clarke at all today?
Daniel looks surprised, shaking his head, as he leans against the desk. Kim, still nearby, can’t help but overhear the conversation. She tries to non-chalantly listen in.
DANIEL: No, she’s not in?
MAXINE: No, she was meant to report for duty at 8am, and I haven’t seen her, no call. Nothing.
DANIEL: That’s…odd. Tried her phone?
MAXINE: Goes straight to voice mail, and her inbox is full.
Kim looks away, a look of deep concern on her face for the woman subletting Theresa’s apartment. Marlena notices Kim’s expression and puts a hand on Kim’s shoulder, snapping her out of her trance.
MARLENA: Kim? You okay?
KIM: Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Just…thinking about something. I’m gonna go visit Theresa for a minute. You wanna come with me?
Marlena smiles warmly at Kim.
The two take off down the hall toward Theresa’s room together.

Inside Crystal’s apartment, Sheryl pops in the second coloured contact, changing her eyes to match Crystal’s vibrant green eyes, before she applies the finishing touches on her outfit, set to disguise her as Nurse Crystal Clarke.
She steps back from the vanity mirror, and models herself, putting on her best fake southern accent.
SHERYL: There we go, baby.
Outside her apartment, the elevator doors open on Crystal’s floor, and Olivia steps off.
Olivia looks in her purse, and pulls out her cell phone. Carefully, she checks the apartment number.
OLIVIA: 4B…iiiis this one!
Olivia turns and, after putting away her phone, knocks on the door.
Inside, Sheryl presumes Jerome has returned, and marches toward the door, frustrated by his repeated intrusion.
She mutters under her breath, as she brusquely opens the door, surprised to see someone other than Jerome there.
SHERYL: I swear to God, Jerome. You’re worse than a cat—Oh.
Olivia gushes, reaching her arms out toward Sheryl, stunning Sheryl completely.
OLIVIA: CRYSTAL! Oh my God! How are you?!
Sheryl stands stiff, as Olivia reaches out and gives “Crystal” a big hug. Sheryl reluctantly reaches around to reciprocate this complete stranger’s hug, while her face shows her completely baffled by her surprise visitor.
In Nick’s office, Sami steps forward to try to stop Nick from making more demands of her, Kate, and Gabi.
SAMI: Nick, come on. I mean, we’ve played along this whole time, don’t punish Gabi for this.
NICK: Oh, I’m not punishing her, Sami. What kind of guy do you think I am?
KATE: You really want us to answer that?
NICK: I’d keep my fangs in my mouth if I were you, Kate.
Kate looks away, sighing in frustration, as Nick continues to outline his plan to the assembled women.
NICK: Now, for a start, I don’t think it’s fair to just haul you all off to jail for one little mistake, so I’m willing to compromise, Gabi.
Gabi looks at Nick, her eyes pleading with him for mercy.
GABI: Anything.
Sami elbows Gabi in the side for being such a pushover. Nick flashes his trademark smirk, as he leans back in his executive chair, looking almost too relaxed.
NICK: Good to know. Here’s the deal: We’re gonna get married again, properly this time. Big ceremony, open bar, we can do it up at the Penthouse Grille. It’ll be the talk of the town. Naturally, you’ll sign a pre-nup, so if we divorce, I’m not giving you half of what I earn, because, I mean, really.
Sami and Kate look at each other, trying hard to avoiding both rolling their eyes. Nick continues, leaning forward again, resting against his desk.
NICK: Then, once we’re married, I will adopt Ari, and you’ll convince Will to give up parental rights.
SAMI: Over my dead body!
Nick cooly shifts his eyes to look at Sami, his stone-faced expression not changing, as he responds to her outburst.
NICK: That can be arranged too.
SAMI: You sick son of a—
KATE: Nick, you can’t expect to get away with that.
NICK: Oh I absolutely do. Because you have no choice. Any of you.
Kate, Sami, and Gabi all sigh, none of them saying a word, as Nick finishes.
NICK: Anyway, once we get that figured out, Gabi, Ari, and I will go on an extended honeymoon to Greece. I have a lot of business to take care of with certain Titan properties Victor has in the homeland, so, could take….I dunno, couple years or so to tie it all up. Who knows, Gabi? Maybe you’ll like it so much, you won’t wanna come back!
GABI: Nick, you can’t…(sigh) I can’t leave my family behind.
NICK: Don’t worry, I’ll arrange to have Rafe come visit if you need to. But I’m just trying to create a real family for us, Gabi. Isn’t that what you want?
GABI: Yeah, but…not like this, Nick!
Gabi steps toward Nick, looking incredulous as she stammers out the rest of her answer to Nick.
GABI: I just…I wanted to take my time after…what…what happened at the river with us. You can’t just expect me to trust you right away like that.
NICK: Apparently not.
GABI: Nick, seriously. You have to understand the…the trust we had. It’s gonna take time to build that back up.
NICK: Then let’s have that time. You, me, and Ari. Outside of Salem, away from the influence of everyone else.
Nick gets up from his desk, walking back around to the other side of it, as he finishes his thought.
NICK: Look, that’s my offer, take it or leave it.
KATE: Oh come on! You can’t expect her to make a decision like that on the spot like that!
Nick folds his arms in front of him, and leans against the front of his desk, shooting a look at Kate.
NICK: Of course not. This is a big decision, and it affects, well, more than even just the people in this room.
Turning back to look at Gabi, he takes her trembling hand into his, and looks her in the eyes.
NICK: You have until 10pm tonight. I um…I bought you a dress to wear tonight to the gala.
Nick cracks a genuine smile while he describes the dress, a rare moment where he doesn’t appear guarded.
NICK: It’s…this beautiful black and white lacy gown with these…long black satin gloves. I think you’ll look gorgeous in it. Anyway, it’s laying on my bed. Since you, obviously, have no problem getting into my room, I figured I’d leave it there for you. If you’re back at tonight at 10, wearing the dress, I’ll have my answer. And we can go up the party together and announce our engagement.
Sami finally has the nerve to speak up again.
SAMI: And if she doesn’t?
Nick’s expression hardens immediately, looking intensely at Sami.
NICK: Then you’re all going down for conspiracy to commit murder. Gabi, Will, EJ, everyone. And don’t think for a SECOND that I won’t.
Kate and Sami exchange looks, as Gabi sighs, visibly shaking with fear, as Nick looks around the room, his hardened, emotionless expression adding to Gabi’s fear.