Sunday, June 26, 2016

DAYS #94: Will confronts Adrienne about Sonny (06/26/14)

Written by A. Washington-Beeby
Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson

Tyler sits at his desk at Titan, filtering through paperwork studiously, as he gets a call on his office phone. He answers promptly.

TYLER: (into phone) Yes?...Certainly, send him in.

Hanging up, Justin enters Tyler's office, a sombre look on his face.

TYLER: Justin! Good to see you!

Justin looks on, surprised by Tyler's chipper behaviour. He gives a half-hearted smile as he responds.

JUSTIN: haven't heard the news yet, have you?
TYLER: What news is this?
JUSTIN: (sigh) Victor's in hospital...he had a heart attack last night.

Tyler looks up shocked by Justin's news. Justin holds up his hand immediately, reacting to Tyler’s shock, hoping to reassure him.

TYLER: He's what??
JUSTIN: Don't...don't worry. It was minor, he'll be out of hospital in a couple days.

Tyler, still in shock, takes a moment and nods, looking away from Justin. Justin, meanwhile, steps forward, ready for business.

JUSTIN: Look, in the meantime, I'm going to be stepping up and taking care of some business affairs for ol' Vic while he's incapacitated. And hopefully, we won't end up letting the oil sands project crumble before our very eyes.

Tyler looks up at Justin, his mind elsewhere, but he nods dutifully in agreement.


Sheryl sends a text message off, while standing in an impatient Jordan's suite at the Salem Inn.

JORDAN: Who are you texting?
SHERYL: It doesn't matter. Come on, let's go to the office.
JORDAN: Wha...wait, I haven't even put my face on.

Sheryl walks casually toward the door, motioning Jordan to come along.

SHERYL: Do it in the car, come on. We have important business to deal with.

Jordan scrambles to grab her makeup and shoves it hastily in her purse, before coming to catch up with Sheryl.

JORDAN: Have you ever poked yourself in the eye with a mascara brush?
SHERYL: Yes, and I lived to tell, now come on.

Sheryl pulls Jordan into the hallway, closing the door behind them. Jordan looks on confused.

JORDAN: What is the hurry, we have all day.
SHERYL: I like to get our business out of the way as early as possible, and we can't do it in your suite. Now, let's go.

Jordan rolls her eyes, as Sheryl steps over toward the elevator. Jordan locks the door and follows Sheryl around the corner.


Will sits in the hospital lounge, next to a sleeping Sonny. Sonny's head lies on a pillow, while Will sits by his feet. They looks cozy, though Will is too deep in thought to sleep. He thinks back to his encounters with Alex, and the sexual tension between them. He stops after a moment and thinks back to Adrienne's words at the Kiriakis dinner.


Adrienne leans in close to Justin again, her one finger raised to make her point to Justin. She speaks softly but firmly.

ADRIENNE: If it isn't Alex, it'll be some other guy. He's Sami Brady's son in every. Single. Way.


Will snaps out of his thoughts a moment when he hears footsteps at the door. It's Adrienne, looking on with sadness at the scene before her. Will turns to look over, causing Adrienne to step back. Will holds up his hand to stop her. Speaking softly so as not to wake Sonny up, he gets up to speak to her.

WILL: No, no. Don't leave. Come in.

Adrienne shakes her head, still backing up.

ADRIENNE: No, no, I don't wanna cause any more troubl--
WILL: You're NOT. Seriously. I actually really want to talk to you.

Adrienne looks confused at Will, as Will looks behind him, seeing Sonny lying dead asleep.

WILL: Let's...let's go out in the hall, maybe?
ADRIENNE: Uh...sure?

Adrienne is taken by the hand by Will, who guides her out to the waiting area in the main room of the hospital floor.

Once sat down, Adrienne immediately launches into a pleading speech to appeal to Will's mercy.

ADRIENNE: Look, Will, I really didn't mean to cause so much trouble at Victor's--

Will holds up his hand to motion Adrienne to stop.

WILL: You don' don't have to explain yourself. I understand what you're worried about. And, in fact...I spoke to Sonny...and I asked him to give you another chance.

Adrienne looks confused. She starts to smile, but is afraid to get too excited.


Will smiles at Adrienne. Nodding his head as he continues.

WILL: Oh, absolutely. He agreed that he...was way too hard on you, and...he's acting emotionally right now. He didn't mean to be so harsh with you.

Adrienne smiles, relief clear in her eyes as she begins to tear up, grateful for Will's selflessness.

ADRIENNE: I....(laughs) Oh my God...thank you, Will! Thank you so much!

Will smiles broadly, keeping a very cool presence, as he watches Adrienne's gleeful release. Adrienne gives Will a warm hug, trying to hold back her tears. 

After a moment, she releases Will from her embrace, and he continues, a changed look in his eyes.

WILL: I wouldn't thank me just yet, Adrienne. I didn't do this for you. Frankly, you're the last person whose feelings are of any concern to me whatsoever.

Adrienne's face drops, as Will's earnestness washes away, his smile belying his much darker truth. 

Adrienne looks stunned, while Will maintains his pleasant smile, though his eyes stare sharply into Adrienne's.



Kim stands before Lucas and Roman at Club TBD, hands on hips, and an angry look on her face, as they look on, stunned up at her from their seats.

ROMAN: I...hi...
KIM: Oh NOW you recognize me! Roman, Marlena and I have been worried sick!

Roman tries to cool Kim down, to no avail, as she sits down beside her brother, grabbing him for a hug. He resists, but she jumps, shocked by his cool skin.

LUCAS: Yeah, I uh...I found him lying in the bush in the park around the corner from Town Square.
KIM: Oh my God, Roman!
ROMAN: Look, I'm...okay now. I just....I need to warm up a bit.

At that moment, T passes with coffee for Lucas and tea for Roman.

ROMAN: Thanks.

T looks over at Kim, a smile on his face as he speaks to her with his usual professional charm.

T: And for you, Ms. Brady?
KIM: Mmm, a coffee would be nice, thanks.
T: On it's way!

T walks away quickly as Roman sips his tea slowly, feeling the warmth fill him up. He shivers a moment as the disparity in temperature hits his system.

KIM: Look, thank you, Lucas, for finding my brother, but...why didn't anyone call us? Did you JUST find him??

Lucas stirs awkwardly for a moment, as he looks Roman's way.

LUCAS: I uh...
ROMAN: I asked him not call you two. I didn't wanna worry you all any more than I already had.

Kim sighs, more than a little frustrated by her brother.

KIM: Even with these memory lapses, your stubbornness remains.
ROMAN: Dammit, Mary, how would you know?

Lucas and Kim both look at Roman, puzzled.

KIM: Mary? Roman, I'm your sister Kim. heard T call me Ms. Brady. I...

Roman looks down into his cup of tea, more frustrated than ever. He starts to move, causing Kim to get up from her seat in the booth.

KIM: Where are you going, Roman?
ROMAN: Don't worry, I'm just going to the bathroom.

Kim looks on, a real worry painted on her face, as she turns toward an equally concerned and confused Lucas.


Justin sits down in front of Tyler's desk, pulling his tablet out of his briefcase, as he begins to discuss business affairs.

JUSTIN: So I spoke with real estate. They say there still hasn't been any movement on Percy Ruggles' land, though that might not be the problem we initially envisioned.

Tyler looks at Justin, somewhat confused.

TYLER: According to whom?
JUSTIN: Tyler, that's why we hire experts for this kind of thing.
TYLER: Okay, I'm going to stop you right there. I've been in this business my entire life, and my father before me, and I know enough to know that a plot of land like Percy's is invaluable to a project like this.
JUSTIN: But it's not imperative right now. Here's what I'm getting at. If we can get a start on this project now, with the land we DO own, it will start to drive the wildlife away from Percy's land, and you know how that ol' kook is mad about the owls. His incentive to stay in his little cottage drops, along with the value of the land. So he's forced to sell before he loses his shirt. BAM! That's when we swoop in. Problem solved.

Tyler ponders Justin's point a moment, before nodding.

TYLER: But is it enough land to even begin the project?

Justin shrugs casually.

JUSTIN:I don't see why not. Trust me on this, I used to run a construction company. There's usually a way.

Tyler looks on, smiling widely at Justin's idea.

TYLER: Tell me something, why didn't I confer with you before about this?
JUSTIN: Couldn't tell you, man!

The two men share a laugh as they continue their meeting.


Sheryl walks briskly over toward her office in the Titan Building, Jordan following quickly behind. Jordan, still objecting to their hurry, is a bit more than annoyed by the proceedings.

JORDAN: I hope you realize I had the entire day off today, so we didn't have to race over here for 8:30am.

Sheryl stops, looking incredulously at Jordan.

SHERYL: And risk everyone in the world being in the office already so they can hear all about what we're doing? How did I end up partnering with someone this brain dead before her first coffee?
JORDAN: You’re just that lucky, I guess.

Sheryl's eyes narrow, darting in disdain at Jordan's remark, as she open the door to her office, and she and Jordan step in.

Jordan immediately closes the door behind her, as Jerome rounds the corner. The door slamming in his face, Jordan carries on.

JORDAN: Alright. What's this oh-so-important business we have to discuss so badly before the entire world wakes up?

Jerome opens the door at that moment, smiling widely as Jordan turns around, shocked and annoyed.

JEROME: Whatever it is, can I join in?


Adrienne sits, stunned as Will looks at her, with an intensity she's unaccustomed to.

WILL: See...I don't want to see my fiancĂ© hurt any more than you do. And I think you need to understand...I think not having you in his life...and in my daughter's life, it would hurt them. And that…would hurt me.
ADRIENNE: Of course, I mean...I want to be there for him--
WILL: ...But I also want you to be around so that you can see how important Sonny is to me. I want you to see the look on his face, and on my face when we exchange our vows, Adrienne. I want you to understand how important those vows are to me and how seriously I am going to take them.
Adrienne trembles, feeling a sense of fear she never expected to feel interacting with Will.
ADRIENNE: I'm sure you'll...your intentions will be--
WILL: ...My intentions? My intentions are to remain the loving, dedicated husband of Sonny Kiriakis til' death do us part. I want my daughter to have the love of ALL her parents, and to have a strong family unit, one that stands by each other and doesn't deceive each other or go behind each others' backs to get what they want.
ADRIENNE: Will, I understand that, I know you didn't have that growing up, I--

Will's intensity intimidates Adrienne more and more, as he continues to speak quietly, but the shaking in his voice increases, as he speaks more and more emotionally.

WILL: ...And I do not intend, nor do I have any expectation of repeating my mother and father's mistakes...whether you want to believe that or not.
ADRIENNE: I know, I...I'm sorry.
WILL: Good. Now, I will welcome you into our home, and in my daughter's life, but just remember...

Will leans in very close to Adrienne, anger evident in him, but his cool exterior remaining all the while.

WILL: If you do anything to try to manipulate Sonny, or to try to stop this wedding...all bets are off.

Will smiles again, widely and almost menacingly, as he gets up from his seat. He leaves a shaken Adrienne behind as he walks away. Before going too far, he stops, and looks back Adrienne's way.

WILL: I'm going to check on Maggie. I'm glad we had this talk, Adrienne.

Will walks away, leaving Adrienne feeling dejected, and terrified. She breathes heavily, worry painted on her face.


Sunday, June 19, 2016

DAYS #93: Abby's Home, and Kim finds Roman & Lucas (06/25/14)

Written by A. Washington-Beeby
Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson

Rafe stands in Jordan's suite, putting on his jacket as he prepares to take off for the morning. Jordan walks up behind him and lovingly wraps her arms around him.

JORDAN: Can you just...stay here for a bit longer?

Rafe laughs, but breaks Jordan's embrace to turn to face her.

RAFE: If I could, I would. But we got a big emergency on our hands and Hope asked me to come in early for it.

Jordan looks on, concerned.

JORDAN: Why, what's wrong?
RAFE: Well, it looks like Roman Brady has vanished into thin air. Hope and Marlena are really worried about him, so...I'm off to check it out.
JORDAN: Well...good luck. I guess I should get my butt in gear too.

Rafe smiles and leans over to kiss Jordan. Jordan kisses him back passionately. Rafe leans back, laughing.

RAFE: You're really working me today, aren't you?
JORDAN: I just know I'll miss you when you're gone.
RAFE: I'll tell you about tonight, you meet me at my place. I'll have a surprise waiting for you. Okay?

Jordan smiles, nodding in agreement.

JORDAN: Ooo, I like surprises. Alright, I think I can handle that.
RAFE: Good. I'll give you a call when I'm done.
JORDAN: Sounds good. Love you.

Rafe heads for the door, as he heads out, Jordan leans against the door frame to say goodbye to Rafe. Rafe turns back, smiling widely.
RAFE: Love you too.
 Rafe turns toward the elevator, as Jordan waves goodbye. No sooner has Rafe disappeared around the corner, then Sheryl comes in from the other direction, barging her way into Jordan's room.

SHERYL: Well, isn't my timing perfect?

Jordan, taken aback, turns around, incredulous.

JORDAN: I...good morning? Who said you could just barge into my room?

Sheryl raises an eyebrow at Jordan.

SHERYL: How long have we known each other?
JORDAN: Too long.
SHERYL: RIght. So I think I'm well past the point of knocking at this point.

Jordan throws up her hands.

JORDAN: Fine. What do you need at this ungodly hour?

Sheryl takes her clutch and tosses it casually on Jordan's unmade bed beside her.

SHERYL: Simple. Today's the day. And we have an AWFUL lot of planning to do.

Jordan looks on, uncomfortable and exasperated by Sheryl's persistence.


 Jennifer is just about to head out the door to head to work, when she stops, startled by who's coming down the stairs from upstairs.

She looks, a wide smile suddenly appearing on her face, as Abigail walks down the steps. Jenn's arms open wide as she runs over to her daughter to give her a hug, almost shrieking in excitement.

JENNIFER: Abigail!! Oh my God! You're home, sweetie!!

Abby laughs as her mom accosts her. She hugs her back, beaming though tired herself.

ABBY: Hey, Mom! It's so good to see you!
JENNIFER: When did you get in? I didn't even hear you come in?
ABBY: Oh it was late last night. You...must've been out.

Jennifer looks at her daughter, makeup not on, still in her robe, and sees her looking...different.

JENNIFER: Oh's really...filled you out! You looks so...healthy!

Abby stirs with discomfort, knowing Jenn's caught her pregnancy weight. She clutches the sides of her robe uncomfortably.


 Lucas stands by Roman at Club TBD, while Roman sits down, wrapped in Lucas' suit jacket, shivering from sleeping in the cold the night before. Lucas puts his phone away, not sure what Roman's reasons are for not wanting to call Marlena, but he plays along.
LUCAS: Okay...I won't call Marlena. know...she's probably worried about you.
ROMAN: Lucas, I can't. I can't have her worrying about me. And don't you call Sami either! I don't want my little girl seeing me like this, okay?
LUCAS: You have my least...let me take you to the hospital?

Roman relaxes somewhat once Lucas has made his vow. He looks away, relaxing in the booth, while Lucas looks on, really concerned for him.

ROMAN: NO! I'm...I'm fine. Just...just let me warm up here. I'll be fine. Thank you.
LUCAS: Okay...Uh...hey...look...if...if you're alright...I mean, is it...alright to talk about the whole...Jordan...Sheryl thing with me a sec?

Roman looks at Lucas, confused a moment, before remembering the situation.

ROMAN: sure you this here?

Lucas shrugs as he sits down in the booth, opposite Roman.

LUCAS:  It''s kind of important. I just...I know Billie's been spinning her wheels on this, and...look...Roman, honestly...I just don't feel comfortable pretending that everything with me and Sheryl is cool. I mean...last night...

Lucas trails off, looking down. He doesn't want to get into last night's events, and Roman can tell. Though Roman's curious, he doesn't press.

ROMAN: Don't...don't worry about it. Look, I got some...I have a few leads. These women are eco-terrorists, man. They have a plan. There's GOT to be a reason why they'd get Sheryl to work at Titan when she knows they're working on this EnerNext project.

Lucas leans into a softly-spoken Roman. Though Roman's still shivering through his words, he's suddenly laser-focused and sharp as the Roman Lucas has always known. Lucas is partly-engaged, and partly shocked by the shift.

LUCAS:'s the thing. They've brought this...guy into it. I mean...I can't prove he's linked but...
ROMAN: Well, that's strange. There's no...previous record of them working with any men. They've always worked, to our knowledge, as a duo.
LUCAS: I say...I can't substantiate any of it. All I know is that I walked in on Jordan, and Sheryl, talking to this...Jerome guy. And something about was just so obvious that they were planning something.

Roman looks on, intrigued by the lead Lucas has just given him, he ponders it intensely between his shivers.



Abby brusquely steps away from her mom, clutching herself tightly as she steps over toward the coffee table, where Jenn's placed the coffee decanter and cups.

ABBY: Wow, Mom, that's...really embarrassing.
JENNIFER: I'm sorry, honey. I didn't...I didn't mean to make you feel bad or anything, I just...

Abby cools off a moment, before turning around, keeping her emotions in check as she responds to her mom. She even flashes Jenn a quick smile.

ABBY: No. No, I know. (sigh) Sorry. I didn't mean to snap on you, just...I didn't get much sleep last night, and...well...really, this whole trip.

Jennifer looks on, concern on her face as she steps over to her daughter's side, as they both sit down on the couch. Abby stirs her coffee while Jenn expresses her worry.

JENNIFER: Well...actually, I'm glad you brought that up, honey. I...Look...I don't mean to pry or anything, but...I have to know...why did you lie about where you were going?

Abby looks away, caught in her lie, she frets over her answer.

 Marlena sits on Hope's couch, trying to hold her composure while still clearly filled with worry about Roman's whereabouts. Hope finishes sending a text message, when the doorbell rings. Marlena and Hope quickly turn around to see who's there.

It's Rafe.

Hope darts over to the door and opens it, welcoming him in.

RAFE: Hey!
HOPE: Hey! Come on in.
RAFE: I, uh...I came as soon as you called. Have we heard anything yet?

Hope shakes her head. She stands with her arms folded, clearly frustrated by the lack of info.

HOPE: No. Not a word yet. And the longer he's missing, the more I'm worried.

Hope looks over at Marlena, pensively.

HOPE: Marlena?
HOPE: Do you know of....anywhere he might have gone that...I dunno, he hadn't visited in a long time? Like, an old haunt he'd go when you were married when he needed to be alone?

Marlena shakes her head, thinking hard of any place Roman would have gone.

MARLENA: Honestly, no. I mean, he'd go visit Caroline, but...
HOPE: We'd have heard something by now if he'd gone there. Plus, with Caroline still just getting out of the woods, herself...
MARLENA: I wouldn't want to worry her unneccessarily.

Hope nods in agreement, as Rafe asks Marlena a question, confused by the whole situation.

RAFE: So...I mean....I know Roman's missing, but...what's led to this? He's been kinda...out of it lately, but...this sounds serious.
MARLENA: Well...Kim ran into him last night at Horton Town Square, and...he was...(sigh) confused, he had no idea where he was, or who she was. He was...terrified of her.
RAFE: What the...?

Hope turns to face Rafe, acknowledging the veracity of Marlena's story.

HOPE: I knew something was up, but...I really didn't think it was this severe. I didn't want to alarm anyone, so...
RAFE: No, understood, he's run off?

Marlena sighs, nodding sadly to Rafe as she continues.

MARLENA: Yes, he, um...I came around and tried to calm him down, and...Kim and I agreed that Roman should stay with me while we figure out what exactly is going on...and when we turned around...
RAFE: ...He was gone.
MARLENA: (sigh) Yes. And considering how cold it got last night, I don't even want to think about what could have happened to him out there.

Rafe looks on, a look of deep concern comes over him, as he looks frettingly Marlena's way.


Roman sits across the table from Lucas, thinking intensely about the new addition to Jordan and Sheryl's group.

ROMAN: So, let me get dis straight...this guy named think he's part of their plan? I mean...if that's the case, then chances are either Jordan and Sheryl have changed their tactics since the bank bombing in Toronto, or this guy's been in on their work all along.
LUCAS: I have a VERY strong feeling that this guy is the one behind the scenes pulling the strings. Sort of the...silent partner, maybe.
ROMAN: Well, that's very interesting. Have you told Billie any of this?

Lucas looks down, shaking his head.

LUCAS: No, I...I haven't even had a chance to yet. I only found this out last night.
ROMAN: Right, well...I'll...I'll get ahold of her later about it, and maybe we can figure out what to do before it's too late.

Lucas looks up, worried by Roman's choice of words.

LUCAS: What do you mean by that?
ROMAN: Well, if this Jerome guy is suddenly popping up, and has the balls to show up AT Titan, where people can spot him? I have a very strong feeling that Jordan and Sheryl are about to launch an attack against Titan, and VERY soon. And we need to be ready for them.

 Midway through Roman's explanation, Kim appears in the entrance at Club TBD. She looks around, hurriedly, but focused. She spots Roman from behind and makes a quick beeline for him and Lucas.

KIM: Roman Brady, where the HELL have you been?

Roman looks up, calmly looking at his very angry, worried sister, who stands beside their table, hands on hips.


Jordan stands in her suite, facing Sheryl, with arms folded, a sour expression on her face.

JORDAN: You don't waste any time, do you? I didn't even get the chance to brush my teeth yet.
SHERYL: Well...brush and talk.

Jordan drops her head, eyes still looking out at Sheryl, incredulously.

SHERYL: It's that important, Jordan.

Jordan turns to head into the bathroom, as Sheryl continues.

SHERYL: Look, Jerome will be here any minu--

Jordan turns sharply back around, shouting angrily at Sheryl.

JORDAN: JEROME?! Oh, no. No, no, he is NOT coming in here.
SHERYL: He absolutely is--
JORDAN: Sheryl, why did we even get involved with Nick Fallon if we were just going to drag Jerome all the way from Canada to help us take down Titan, anyway?

Sheryl looks at Jordan, shaking her head as she laughs.

SHERYL: Ohhh my. You've really fallen right into this whole...Jordan Ridgeway act, haven't you?

Jordan looks at Sheryl, arms folded, glaring disapprovingly at Sheryl.

JORDAN: What's that supposed to mean?
SHERYL: Kaylie Matthews was never this naive. Of course I wasn't going to rely on a basketcase like Nick Fallon. Would you trust someone like him?

Jordan sighs, recognizing that Sheryl's probably right.

JORDAN: Okay, so what ARE we gonna do with Nick? I does he fit into this?

Sheryl smiles, explaining to Jordan with an all-too-chirpy tone to her voice.

SHERYL: Well, you see...every great plan...has a fall guy.
